Acerca de Bay-Lynx

Bay-Lynx es una empresa familiar que diseña y fabrica equipos de alta calidad para empresas de construcción. Fabricamos el equipo más confiable y específico de la industria, que beneficia a nuestros clientes y a sus clientes.

Bay-Lynx es una empresa familiar que diseña y fabrica equipos de gran calidad para constructoras. Hacemos los equipos más fiables y específicos del sector que benefician a nuestros clientes y a los clientes de estos. Diseñamos y fabricamos todo lo que vendemos en nuestras instalaciones de fabricación propias, donde podemos mantener la máxima calidad de los esparcidores, hormigoneras volumétricas y unidades de arqueado de vigas de acero. Fabricamos equipos con una elevada durabilidad y una larga vida útil. Trabajamos estrechamente con nuestros clientes para personalizar su maquinaria: recibirá exactamente el equipo correcto para su empresa.

Bay-Lynx está respaldada por un historial de medio siglo en fabricación de acero. También proporcionamos un soporte y asistencia al cliente extraordinarios mediante nuestro departamento interno de piezas y asistencia y los distribuidores de Norteamérica y más allá.

Fundada en 1992, la sede principal y las instalaciones se encuentran ubicadas en Ancaster, Ontario (EE. UU.), pero Bay-Lynx distribuye equipos a escala mundial.

Greg Koppelaar
Greg Koppelaar
“I come by my passion for structural construction honestly: my family has worked in this sector for three generations. I have a real interest in understanding customers’ needs, and feel extremely fortunate to be in a position to be able to keep innovating and growing along with our customers. I enjoy the warm, collegial atmosphere at our headquarters in Ontario, and I also love that we work with colleagues and clients all over the world.”
Kevin Koppelaar
Production Engineering Manager
"We always strive to engineer and innovate to create the best equipment using the latest technology. I enjoy nothing more than working with our engineering team to come up with new advances and custom options for our products. We’ve got more than 50 years of fabrication and manufacturing experience, and we care about our employees and our customers. That’s what you get from dealing with a family-owned business."
Kevin Koppelaar
Mark Pennings
Mark Pennings
Technical Support Manager
"I help ensure that when someone buys a Bay-Lynx machine, it’s installed to the chassis in the way best suited for their application and location. We’re always willing and very able to customize for their needs. We are always developing new and innovative products that can help our customers grow their business and outperform their competition."
Angela George
Office Manager / Accounting Manager
"I help people prepare and complete financial documents so they can start using their unit. We put care and thought into each unit we produce and every deal we make. We are like a large family and our customers are just an extended part of the family."
Angela George
Sam Overduin
Sam Overduin
Sales and Marketing Manager
"It’s my job to help customers learn more about what we offer and the value we can bring to their business. I’m a big believer in working individually with each customer to help them be successful. I’m proud to work for a company that values and respects customers this way."
Tom Palme
U.S. Sales Manager
"After 17 years, I know this industry well, and I understand what makes Bay-Lynx mixers stand out. Many volumetric machines might look alike, but they have major differences in how they are designed and manufactured. As a private, family-owned business, Bay-Lynx has the flexibility and commitment to focus completely on the customer’s needs and provide them with equipment that helps them profit."
Tom Palme
Steve Maas
Steve Maas
Parts Sales Manager
"Parts and service is big for Bay-Lynx. When you have great service and well-stocked parts it eliminates downtime for customers. I really enjoy the people I work with and meeting new people every day. I stand behind our products, and also feel that we have one of the greatest service teams out there."
Theo Beijes
Operations Manager
“As we continue to grow our business and services, my job is to help our team to be able to keep doing their job well, so that we can continue to deliver quality products and services to our customers”
Cam Scobie
Cam Scobie
Production Manager
"I make sure our equipment is ready for customers on time without sacrificing our commitment to top quality. I think that quality–and the personal touch that only a family-owned company can provide–are the things that really make the difference for our customers."