On April 13, 2022, we welcomed a variety of volumetric mixer owners and operators to the 2022 Concrete Academy Day. After a 2 year hiatus from the otherwise annual event, we were finally able to open our doors back to the training/certification program so many of our customers have been asking for. Concrete Academy Day is traditionally a training event on concrete technology as it relates to volumetric mixers. However, this year we conducted the VMOC (Volumetric Mixer Operator Certification) program from the VMMB.
The day featured topics such as safety, concrete technology, concrete components and their use, volumetric mixer operations and components, and customer relations. After the day of classes, many operators chose to take the VMOC exam as well to label themselves as official certified volumetric mixer operators.
Bay-Lynx would like to thank all those who attended as we push to make the volumetric mixer operators some of the most qualified members of the concrete industry.